The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you.

— Werner Heisenberg (1932 Nobel Prize in Physics, founder of quantum mechanics)

The Data: It’s All Connected


Eucharistic phenomena, where communion bread turned into human flesh and blood in 5 cities across 4 countries, have been verified by reputable scientists and institutions in laboratory studies spanning 1971 to 2013.


Resurrection event is backed by historical evidence, and alternative hypotheses are found to be unsatisfactory.

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spectators witnessed the event known as the Miracle of the Sun at Fátima, Portugal in 1917, which was announced several months in advance by 3 children.


exorcists across 30 countries belong to the International Association of Exorcists, and their experiences with demonic activity are backed by witnesses including a psychiatrist trained at Princeton/Yale/Columbia.


physical constants show that the universe is fine-tuned for life.


of Nobel Prize winners in science (Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine) from 1901 to 2000 have identified themselves as Christian.

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Christians and counting belong to the Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago.

One of the Eucharistic phenomena  in Legnica, Poland, determined to be human cardiac flesh by Pomeranian Medical University (Poland) in 2013.

“It’s a joy to have faith and also to do my research. It’s never guaranteed that there will be people [studying mathematics] for the glory of God, and I think that’s what really sustains it, and I hope I do my part to keep it alive.”

- Evan O’Dorney: 2x gold & 2x silver medalist at International Mathematical Olympiad,
3x Putnam Fellow, Intel Science Talent Search winner, Harvard A.B. + Princeton PhD in Math
(Source: University of Notre Dame)

Evan O’Dorney, a modern practicing Catholic, has dominated the IMO, Putnam, and Intel STS.

A Data Scientist Presents…

About me: I’m Chris, a former atheist who majored in Computer Science at Princeton and work at a hedge fund in NYC, where I've held various data science and software engineering roles. I've spent thousands of hours investigating Catholicism — the religion of 1.3 billion people worldwide — and discovered that it's true. To ensure the quality of this website, I’ve hired a team of researchers and editors — including a writer with an MD from Harvard Medical School, a PhD biologist/pharmacologist, and two authors with Amazon bestselling books. Enjoy!

… A Data-Driven Case for Christ

There are many powerful arguments for God’s existence, such as the observation that the universe is fine-tuned for life, St. Thomas Aquinas’s Five Ways (Wikipedia), the existence of objective human morality as demonstrated by C.S. Lewis (Amazon), and many more. But where is the evidence that God = Christ?

Resurrection of Christ

The Resurrection: God's Supreme Act of Love shows that Christ, whose existence and crucifixion are historically attested by non-Christian sources, gained followers who witnessed and interacted with his risen form and willingly faced martyrdom after recording their testimony in the Gospels. Christ's tomb was empty, and his body was never found. Alternative theories, such as the stolen body hypothesis or the hallucination hypothesis, are neither supported by the circumstances nor satisfactorily explain the constellation of evidence in favor of the resurrection.

Divinity of the Eucharist

Before his own road to crucifixion, Christ told his followers during the Last Supper that the bread and wine were his body and blood, driving home the point that he was the sacrificial lamb in a new Passover. While the "transubstantiation" of the bread and wine into Christ's body and blood is normally invisible, Eucharistic Miracles: God Under the Microscope describes five instances where the substances physically transformed into human cardiac muscle and blood. These phenomena were studied by reputable forensic scientists, universities, and independent labs in Poland, Italy, Mexico, and the US. The linked article provides 1) excerpts from and links to lab reports, including detailed analyses and microscope imagery; 2) interviews with the scientists involved; and 3) other materials for your own exploration, including contact information for the living scientists and the Google Maps locations where you can see the physical Eucharistic hosts in person.

Blessed Virgin Mary

While Christ was dying on the cross, he told his disciple John, in the presence of Mary, the mother of Jesus, "Behold, your mother," suggesting that Mary is the protective mother of John and the rest of mankind. Countless Marian apparitions, where Mary has appeared to people throughout the centuries, have provided a recurring reminder of this motherhood along with warnings for people to amend their lives and follow the Gospel. Our Lady of Fátima: Queen of the Heavens is one such example, where the Virgin Mary appeared to three shepherd children, communicated messages urging prayer and sacrifice, and promised a miracle so that "all will believe," indicating the day, hour, and location in advance. As the article shows, the Miracle of the Sun was witnessed and attested by many spectators, including atheists and anti-Catholic journalists, and dramatic healings occurred afterward, along with medical attestations from many doctors across Portugal.

Existence of the Devil

In the Gospels, Christ performed many exorcisms and empowered his disciples to drive out demons in his name. Christians, especially officially appointed exorcists in the Catholic Church, have performed countless exorcisms over the millennia. Speak of the Devil: Darkness Brought to Light compiles witness testimony from exorcists and non-exorcists (including a psychiatrist who performs psychiatric evaluations) that universally attest to the supernatural character of the diagnosed demonic possessions. The described phenomena include secret knowledge, aversion to sacred objects (even in blind tests), and superhuman strength.

Three Portuguese children saw the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fátima, who announced months in advance a miracle witnessed by ~70,000 spectators.


What's the Eucharist?

The Eucharist: The Source and Summit of Christian Life explains the origins of the Eucharist, where the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ is truly present. This doctrine implies the stunning fact that we physically encounter God in the Catholic Mass.

The Eucharistic miracles, as mentioned above, prove that the Eucharist is truly divine.

Isn't religion just a superstition that contradicts science?

Faith and Science: They Work Together demonstrates that faith and science can coexist. Many Nobel Prize winners, even in the sciences, are devout Christians, and some of the most brilliant scientists and mathematicians that you've probably heard of, such as Isaac Newton, Blaise Pascal, and René Descartes were also devout Christians.

Is the Catholic Church actually a force for good? What about the abuse scandals, Crusades, Inquisition, etc.?

The Catholic Church's Impact: The Good and Bad gives a walkthrough of what the Church as done for the everyday world, including not just its positive accomplishments but also its failures and the objective data about them. You be the judge.